Banks Mining’s open cast planning application has reached
its first deadline, for neighbours comments, although “neighbours” is a wide definition
judging by the geographical spread of objectors and supporters. As of the 8th December the comments
registered came to a perfect tie 508 objections versus 508 in support, as
Northumberland County Council’s page shows. The Northumberland Wildlife Trust
and RSPB have objected and so have I, all of us unnerved by the problem at the
heart of Bank’s plans for the site; they do not own the land and every good
intention is a hostage to fortune. What if several years down the line we are
suddenly confronted with the familiar excuses that circumstances have changed, priorities
are different, economic pressures dictate... ? Maybe none of this Banks’ fault
given that they have no ultimate control over the site. I suspect that if they did
control the land and were able to offer a new Hauxley, East Chevington or Druridge
Pools then conservationists would have a different view. Sadly they cannot. Instead, according to the plan, the site
will be restored to more intensive agricultural use than currently and any wildlife
gains depend wholly on the land owner not changing his mind.
The objections and support have been a
fascinating mix. Step back for a minute and read the comments on either side. The parry and thrust or argument features all the
classic arguments around the environment; space for nature, jobs for people,
energy supply, climate change, tourism,
coastal erosion, threats to health, transport. Also all the more emotive
threads that weave, often acrimoniously, through such arguments; who should
have a say, whose views count, locals and who counts as local, greed versus tree
huggers. With over 1000 comments a detailed
geographical study would be interesting. There are both objectors and
supporters from very near and much further away. The Council is thinking about a
public meeting but seems wary knowing that these events can rapidly collapse into
a shouting match between increasingly hostile sides each seeing the other as
heartless and selfish. Good to see the
bay attracting so much interest either way
Druridge Bay, an eight mile arc of sand running north from Cresswell to the harbour of Amble in Northumberland, strewn with wetlands. From lagoons stained the deepest green by summer algae to flooded tyre ruts, glinting water in the arable fields. This blog is a snapshot of research at the University of Northumbria as we explore this pondscape forged between northern sea and sky.