A few days before the July 5th
Council planning meeting the Labour shadow Energy Secretary, Brian Gardiner MP,
called on the government to call in the proposal, i.e. effectively make it a decision
for central Government. This generally means that a planning bid is either of
strategic importance and/or something on which the government has a definite opinion,
for or against, and does not want to leave to local councils. Given the sentiment prior to the meeting amongst many following the case that the proposal would
be approved such a call suggests Brian Gardiner is against and he made clear the government should stop it progressing.
His stance seems to
have angered local labour politicians, provoking council leader Grant Davey to
hit back, clearly worried about labour’s chances in forthcoming elections. The Chronicle’s report quotes a letter from Mr Davey to Labour central as
“This blatant attack on our minority administration
and the creation of a viewpoint that Labours National Energy Policy has been
written by the Green Party, will do nothing to aid Labour’s recovery in
Northumberland and as we have all out elections in May 2017 I do hope we have
time to recover from the massive damage done to our reputation by this man.”
Which makes the link between the planning
committees vote and the politics very exact, both the immediate part political concerns
of the local Labour party but also a small subtle sense of schism between the Labour
Party seen as closely allied to the
Greens versus the local party in Northumberland rooted in proud traditions of
mining. Opposition to the mine is routinely portrayed as outsiders (the anti - signatories
from as far afield as Madagascar and Bangladesh....). Now it looks like the
fault lines are opening up between the metropolitan Corbynists and the local
labour traditionalists
Check out the comments following the
Chronicle piece and you’ll see how quickly the Druridge Bay open cast has got
mired in the debate around Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/highthorn-mine-leader-accuses-jeremy-11578359.
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